Mon 27 Jan
***VISITING ***The Girl Of Your Dreams Blonde Babe ...... Hottie 4 Now 1000% Real Pics CALL NOW - 21
(Louisville, Louisville Hotel)
TsParis1 VISTING for 3 days Caucasian blonde busty 36D google name for more hotter pics - 32
(louisville, Louisvillle call 4 info SPECIALS)
😈SNeAk AWAY😇💑 ✘✘✘PLAY 🍌 ★. MWITH 🍆 MEPremium USDA Approved Grade A BEEF . .. Ts
(5🌟 Hotel 🙈 In/iutcall, Louisville)
£%*@#% EveRY* MaN* HaS* A* FaNaTsy #%&*@ IAMURS %*%$& $SPECIAls $%#+*£ - 22
(Louisville, Hikes Point)
Totally Passable Tranny. Let Me Be Your First... - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
Luscious Lexy.... The Pleasure Goddess.... Visiting Limited Time Only!!!! - 21
Louisville's own WHITE Tgirl star Tag-Team. Kimm and Cinnamon. Ask for specials 502-291-3785 - 23
T-Girl and Admirers Party in Lexington (ALL WELCOME) - 25
(942 winchester road, lexington KY, Bowling Green, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
I have a thing for guys in dark dress socks
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, everywhere)
Visting now All American Hot sassy caucasian blonde with me you get Quality Sessions.. - 32
(Louisville, Fern Valley & 65 all alone)
💋💋💋 TS Shantell 100% Real Pics Or It's Free! *** Video Verification! 💋💋💋 - 25
(Louisville, Fern Valley)
OFFICIALLY YOURS!" You've Found Me 💘💘Completely Irresistible ✨✨Passin thro ✨ Tranny Playmat - 25
(Louisville, Downtown Louisville)
LAST Night In Town!!!! 100% REAL. NEW Breast. Adult Film Star Chyna & Her 12" Of JOY!!! - 24
(Louisville, Taylorsville Rd)
ts nioka here for one nite only come on out lets hang out together feb1st till checkout the second
♥▃▅▆█▆▅▃♥ ☎••••••••► ☑100% GuArAnTeEd ♥▃▅▆█▆▅▃♥ ThE BeSt YoU'LL EvEr HaVe!!! ◄•••••••☎ ♥▃▅▆ - 19
(Louisville, PRIVATE/Condo)
Back 1 Night ONLY. 100% REAL. NEW Breast. Adult Film Star Chyna. - 23
(Louisville, Hurstborne Parkway & Blairwood)
Google my name TsParis1 see REVIEWS over 25 of them and more hot pics to see my Eiffel Tower - 32
(Louisville, 65 fern valley call 4 SPECIALS)
Mon 13 Jan
Tired Of Fake's ??? SEXY & HOT —— ★ —— o°☆ Ts Isabelly ☆o° Visiting Louisville few days - 24
(Louisville, visiting louisville few days)
Want Out of the Life? We Can Help. 1-800-551-1300
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
Big Party All Invited June 8th in lexington - 25
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, BlueGrass Connection on Winchster Road)
Sun 12 Jan
Ts Kimm The Southern Belle ALL WHITE TS finally back in town. call about my specials 502-291-3785 - 24
______Beautiful Mouth Watering Shemale VISITING One Nite Only CALL NOW !!!!!!!!!______ - 21
(Airport, Hotel)
~*~something you will never forget~*~
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, Downtown and Surrounding)
Visiting Limited Time only so come get this 11" well endowed t.girl (502) 356-2236 - 26
(Lexington, wincheter road)
TsParis1 VISTING now Caucasian blonde busty 36D Read my reviews FREE WEBSITE NOW - 32
(louisville, Louisvillle call 4 info)
T-Girl and Admirers Party in Lexington (ALL WELCOME) - 25
(942 winchester road, lexington KY, Bowling Green, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
ts nioka here for one nite only come on out lets hang out together feb1st till checkout the second
Sat 11 Jan
Wanna have the time of your life??? - 24
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, everywhere)
MOVING SOON - Busty BLONDE All-American Shemale, TAKE ADVANTAGE of my youth and innocence.
(Indiana upscale incall)
LAST Night In Town. 100% REAL. NEW Breast. Adult Film Star Chyna. - 23
(Louisville, Hurstborne Parkway & Blairwood)
✨ IF She's Real, 💋She'd Have 🎥VIDEO PROOF📹 And A Nude Website 🌹Like Me!🌹✨ *LIMITED TIME!* - 69
(Louisville, East End **LIMITED TIME!**)
Visting. Elizabethtown only $100 Specials now an reviews All American white blonde pre op TS 36d 9c - 32
(louisville, Elizabethtown)
All American white blonde pre op TS 36d 9c,,,,,,VISTING NOW HOT SPECIALS GOOGLE NAME FOR REVIEWS - 32
(louisville, Louisville Fern Valley & 65)
Haitian 🇱🇮| Cuban🇨🇺 Goddess✨SOUTH AFRICAN ⚫ BIG🍭 11inSURPRISE🍭⚫ Black Beauty Verified Link in AD⚫ - 23