Tue 07 Jan
🌸Relax Before Your Long Work Week🌺 Stress Free {T¡GHT & JU!CY} 👑 Rayven👑 502.656.1009 - 23
(Louisville, INCALL AIRPORT)
SaBrina💋 (502)751-5209 🌹💕🌹Come See Me To Start Your Morning Off JUST RIGHT!!! - 25
(Dixie highway/Shively Area, Louisville)
💕SexY SunDay IN/OUT CALL 80 💕💕 Exotic Erica SPECIALS 80 💕Available Now Day/Night 📞 call now 💓80 - 23
(Louisville, Highlands iIn and out call)
█▒ _S € X Y ★ ★ PLAYMATE_ ▒█ _★GENA★_ █▒ _T H E ★ O N L Y ★ TRUE ★ COMPANION_ ▒█ - 21
(Louisville, incall and outcall louisville surroundin)
Real... Smart.. Sexy Samantha Ready to Show You a Goodtime... Can be there in 30mins - 28
(Louisville, Louisville outcall only)
Sexy and Seductive - Your Ultimate NAUGHTY Girl Next Door Experience! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, 10 minutes away)
💕💕REAL PIC💕💕💕💕💕💕💕SEXY KOREAN💕💕💕아름다움💕💕💕 한국 학생💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕incall -415-909-8420 - 22
(Louisville, 💕💕Louisville💕💕Preston hwy💕💕)
^^^$pecials 60 Natural Real Busty Booty Baby &==>SliPPery SwEet ;) ^^===SloW No RuSh - 24
(Louisville, LOUISVILLE In/Out)
★ __________ (¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) S w e e T ♥ S e x Y (¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) _________ ★ BrUnEtTe BoMbSHeLL - 21
!π©@££ $p3©!@L$ starting at 50$$... 100% Satisfaction GUARAnTEED™ - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
_____ ♥ _____ (S_W_E_E_T & S_E_X_Y) ——— (GiRL _ NeXt _ DoOr )——— (75 Hh or 13O FULL hr ) ♥ _______ - 25
(Louisville, safe clean convient private location X💖)
L(o)(o)king for me??? 💋 Mature and SEXxY eBonY GODdess . 💋 42" bOOty 🍭🍬 Sweeter than CAndY 🍭🍬 - 31
(Louisville, Preston HWY)
Name your price ill work wit you im ready now ...... (502)712-3936 - 29
(Louisville, Louisville South Indiana Lexington)
✨💕lOVE&Aff3cti0n;💕✨$100 //$60 OUTcall special✨Th!ck&T;!ght💜 - 23
(Louisville, Out calls available Louisville/)
Naughty or Nice which are you?Let me be the judge of that!15min specials for Xmas!!!! - 30
(Louisville, Hurstbourne/64 Incall 24/7)
*♡make your eyes roll back &your; toes curl Incall Avail.Always up late!!NewNew Pictures jus for u♡* - 24
lo0kinG for some fun or just a layed bck seductive saturday come see the one & only lacey - 25
(louisville, hurstburne ln area)
Love $50 outcall special Serious Inquires Only OUTCALLS **APPOINTMENT ONLY*** - 28
(All Over Louisville, Louisville)
Its time for you to get exactly what you want. An Attractive, Talented Blonde with all the fixin's! - 26
(Nanz ave & Wallace Ave - St Matthews)
IVY 👑5028228364🔥sexy BIG booty brunette INcalls DEALS all day !!!! - 20
(Dixie Highway, Private Residence, Louisville)
•••► LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀-:¦:-I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST▀▄ Available Now - 22
(Louisville, Airport Area - 5134281162)
Gorgeous BLONDE Playmate ♡☆♡ Magnetic Personality /w Mouth-Watering Skills ♡ SMOKING HOT SPECIALS! - - 29
(Louisville, airport area)