Fri 03 Jan
♡☆♡ The Fireworks Have Started!!! ♡☆♡ Incall/ Outcall Avail... Sexy and Seductive ♡☆♡ - 32
tiny blonde, fabulously built, fantastic performance - 21
(Louisville, bishop and goldsmith lane off 264)
True BlondE.. 5'4.. 125lbs.. College Student Ready to Have Some Fun - 26
(Louisville, Louisville Out)
The Girl Next Door... has a SEXY SECRET! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, In town)
sweet sexy nevaeh!!♡ Incalls Limited time only (502)593-3186 - 23
(Louisville, right off the gyne snyder new cut road)
💕 ThE🌸 eArLy🕖 BiRd🌟 GeTs 🌺ThE🍒 wOrM 💋 Morning 💲SpEcIAlzzz💲 5-11am. 💕 - 25
(Downtown U of L area, Louisville)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXIEST' MiXeD DomiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 )) SO DeliCiOuS!! BOOTY CuRValiCioUS!!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
💋The Ultimate Total Package❤Unparalleled Experience Awaits You❤ Available Today thru Late Tonight - 33
(Louisville, Southern Indiana and Louisville)
Louisville's HOTTEST MILF ****"DANNI DYNAMITE"**** " 80 hh Tuesday Morning Spec.** R U Ready !!! - 38
(Louisville, East End / Hurstbourne Area)
LOUISVILLE'S HEAD NURSE is working ALL night! Bbw. fun. Sexy. Reviewed. INCALLS/OUTCALLS 5029155614 - 24
(Dixie, Louisville)
make your eyes roll back & your toes curl specials all day and night long!!!! - 23
(Louisville, Every were:-))
Let me pLEASE YOU!!! ** Exotic** Discreet** BOMBSHELL a true fantasy girl** new in town! - 21
(Louisville, Louisville InCalls/Outcalls Only)
Lıɢһţs💡💡 Cɑʍҽɾɑ📷📷 Actɩɷŋ🎬🎬The Nҽw Eҳɷtɩc Hɷttɩҽ💄👸 Jųىt 4⃣ Yɷų☝ - 22
(Louisville, louisville/surrounding areas)
~~Is It Your Time~~ ..Come & Unwind with AMAZING, EXOTIC AUTUMN~~ - 24
(Lexington, Lexington & Surrounding)
~*JOURNEY*~ **Every Mans FANTASY, Every Husbands SECRET** 502~356~4209* - 25
(Louisville, Tha Southend)
CALL HARLEY 502-298-5851 (($100 INCALL AND OUTCALL )).. EvErYbOdY LoVeS a ScOrPiO..SeXy ViXeN - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Arthur St. Exit...)
⭐️🆕⭐️ ___ BACK ___ in ___ T_o_W_N___ ⭐️🆕⭐️ ___ ((36DDs & ❤️ To PLEASE)) ___⭐️🆕⭐️ - 20
(in/out, Louisville)
- :¦:- : ° C° L°A° S ° S ° Y ° :¦: & :¦:- ° H ° O ° T ° -:¦ :- B ° L ° O ° N ° D ° E - 21
(*¨¨* OUTCALLS ONLY *¨¨*)
~*~ BlOnDe ~*~ SeXy ~*~SwEeT ~*~ PeTiTie ~*~ DoLL BaBy ~*~LeT Me Be YoUr SpEcIaL TREAT!!! - 26
(Louisville, East End Louisville)
.*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* - 24
(Louisville, Louisville In/Out Call)
Call Lexxi .... (INcaLLs / OuTcALLs) S* I *M* P *L* Y T *H* E *B* E *S* T - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/P.R.P)
(Louisville, DOWNTOWN / IN / OUT)
BrAnd💏✨👑 SPANK ME👄🌟 NeW💏💕👑 1000% 👄🌟 ME 💏💕👑 OR 👄🌟 IT'S 💏💕👑FREE 👄🌟 - 69
(Expo Center....Gone By Morning, Louisville)
-:¦:-• * Big B00TY*•-:¦:-•** BlOnDE! *•-:¦:-• 36DD'S •-:¦:-• ExOTiC jUiCy bOOtY SpEcIaLs allday:) - 21
(Louisville, louisville..airport)
👭NewYears resolution: fulfill 2 girl fantasy👭👙 Lingerie 👙 ( . )( . )Both DD💝Reward Yourself💝 - 31
(Louisville, HURSTBOURNE/64 IC24/7)
🌟🌟🌟 Where is that mistletoe 🌟🌟🌟
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, everywhere, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
TANTALIZING Tuesday 👯 (Mutual) Body rub Ultimate STRESS Relief 11am-7pm by appointment - 40
(Dixie hwy, Louisville)
Female and Male Models Needed (No Experience Necessary) - 32
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Louisville, Western Kentucky)
❤ Your Thick, Juicy, Freaky Bomb Of Pleasure Is Here!!!!!!! ❤ $60/$120 Oaks & Derby Spzls - 43
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
Your Secret valintine!! yes your way stockings heels !!you deserve to feel like a king - 25
(Louisville, louieville/jeffesonville)
♥ Welcome To The SHOW ♥ I am The Main ATTRACTION ♥ $80 - 23
(Louisville, Highlands.... In and Out CaLL)
👄💕🌹💋Thick East End Ebony Transexual w/ Video Proof💋💕HOT DEALS👄🌹 - 26
(Louisville, Louisville East End)